Introduction and objectives: With the implementation of the Strategy of Health Promotion and Prevention in Spain, the scenario reflected in previous studies of low control of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in patients with type 2 diabetes (DM2) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be modified. This study intends to determine the level of blood glucose control and other CVRF in patients with DM2 and CVD currently seen in clinics in Spain, as well as the pattern of antidiabetic treatment, and differences according to gender.
Materials and methods: An epidemiological, observational, cross-sectional, nationwide study was conducted in patients of both genders diagnosed with DM2 and established CVD.
Results: The study included 3,143 patients with a mean age 69.0±10 years. The mean HbA1c was 7.4±1.1% in females vs 7.3±1.2% in males (P<.05) and systolic blood pressure was 137±15.0mmHg in females vs 135.6±14.7mmHg in males (P<.05). The mean LDL-cholesterol was 101.5±38.1mg/dl in females vs 91.1±37.5mg/dl in males; P<.001) and the mean body mass index (30.7±5.4kg/m2 in females vs 29.6±4.5kg/m2 in males; P<.001). The most used treatments were metformin (68.1%) and/or DPP4 inhibitors (53.7%), with no differences between genders.
Conclusions: The level of blood glucose control of DM2 patients with CVD in Spain can be improved. The treatment profile does not conform to the recommendations of clinical practice guidelines in general. The differences in the control of CVRF are worse in women for lipids and obesity.
Keywords: Cardiovascular risk; Control targets; Diabetes mellitus tipo 2; Diabetes mellitus type 2; Gender; Género; Objetivos control; Riesgo cardiovascular.
Copyright © 2019 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.