Recent publications have suggested that high-resolution cervical auscultation (HRCA) signals may provide an alternative non-invasive option for swallowing assessment. However, the relationship between hyoid bone displacement, a key component to safe swallowing, and HRCA signals is not thoroughly understood. Therefore, in this work we investigated the hypothesis that a strong relationship exists between hyoid displacement and HRCA signals. Videofuoroscopy data was collected for 129 swallows, simultaneously with vibratory/acoustic signals. Horizontal, vertical and hypotenuse displacements of the hyoid bone were measured through manual expert analysis of videofluoroscopy images. Our results showed that the vertical displacement of both the anterior and posterior landmarks of the hyoid bone was strongly associated with the Lempel-Ziv complexity of superior-inferior and anterior-posterior vibrations from HRCA signals. Horizontal and hypotenuse displacements of the posterior aspect of the hyoid bone were strongly associated with the standard deviation of swallowing sounds. Medial-Lateral vibrations and patient characteristics such as age, sex, and history of stroke were not significantly associated with the hyoid bone displacement. The results imply that some vibratory/acoustic features extracted from HRCA recordings can provide information about the magnitude and direction of hyoid bone displacement. These results provide additional support for using HRCA as a non-invasive tool to assess physiological aspects of swallowing such as the hyoid bone displacement.