We report the case of a 45-year old woman with a 15-day history of anterior cervical swelling increasing very quickly in size associated with a 7-day history of local inflammation. Clinical examination showed voluminous tender and fixed swelling occupying all the anterior cervical region. The skin's surface was inflammed with permeation nodule (Figure 1, A). The patient was febrile at 38° with good overall physical condition Cervical ultrasound showed voluminous right laterocervical mass that, given the size, made surgical exploration difficult. CT scan showed voluminous thyroid mass, multi-cystic in the superficial tissues, compressing the trachea and the esophagus and pressing the vascular axis of the neck (Figure 1, B and C). Laboratory tests showed leukocytosis 13500 cells/ml, anemia to 8.3 g/dl, CRP 42mg/L and normal thyroid test. Fine needle aspiration biopsy showed purulent and very inflammed material without cytologic signs of malignancy. The patient underwent surgery. Surgical exploration showed several superficial cystic and haemorrhagic cubicles with, in depth, tumor tissue infiltrating the trachea. The tumor laterally invaded the right vascular axis and spread to the suprahyoid muscles, the right submandibular region and the twelfth cranial nerve. Total extended thyroidectomy was performed. Histological examination showed papillary thyroid carcinoma measuring 11cm along its longer axis. Based on our literature review, this is the first case of locally invasive papillary cystic carcinoma of the thyroid revealed by subacute infection.
Keywords: Cellulitis; papillary cystic carcinoma; thyroid.