Patients between 14 and 22 years old are underrepresented in both adult and pediatric studies. We analyzed the outcomes of 94 consecutive patients aged between 14 and 22 who underwent myeloablative matched related-donor transplant while in first or second complete remission. We studied the impact of disease type, remission status, ELN risk group, ABO mismatch, time from diagnosis to transplant, patient and donor age, conditioning type, stem cell source, and the year of transplant on transplant outcomes. The cumulative incidences of relapse, NRM, OS, and DFS at 5 years were 42%, 10%, 59%, and 48%, respectively. Absence of ABO mismatch and donor age > 20 were associated with better OS and DFS on univariate and multivariate analysis. The cumulative incidence of aGVHD and cGVHD were 18% and 44%, respectively. Donor age > 20 and peripheral blood stem cell source were significantly associated with higher incidence of cGVHD on univariate and multivariate analysis. Younger patient age was significantly associated with higher incidence of aGVHD. In this age group, the determinants of survival seem to be dependent on donor variables rather on the traditional disease and patient related variables. Relapse still a significant factor for transplant failure while NRM was low.