Objectives: According to the 2004 Bioethics Act, oncofertility counselling must be systematically offered to all women of childbearing age before they are exposed to potentially gonadotoxic treatment. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the proportion of women under 40 years of age treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer in Midi-Pyrénées who have received an oncofertility consultation. A secondary objective was to assess practitioners' knowledge on the subject.
Methods: A cross-reference was made between the databases of the oncology network in Midi-Pyrénées and the two approved centres for the preservation of fertility in the region. A computerized practitioner questionnaire was sent to all surgeons and oncologists who could manage these patients.
Results: From 2012 and 2017, 667 women aged≤40 years received (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy treatment: only 156 (23.4%) had access to an oncofertility consultation and 58 (8.7%) received preservation. This rate (23.4%) varied according to the age of the patients, ranging from 56.9% for those aged 25-29 to 13.4% for those aged 35-39 and the managing institution. Of the 85 practitioners surveyed, 45 (55%) responded to the questionnaire, and of these 20 (44%) knew that ovarian stimulation treatment could be used even in hormone-dependent breast cancer situations and 13 (29%) of practitioners believed that the time required to preserve fertility was more than 1 month.
Conclusion: Our study revealed a significant disparity in access to oncofertility consultation. It is essential to set up information and awareness-raising actions on the subject.
Keywords: Breast cancer; Cancer du sein; Fertility preservation; Oncofertility; Oncofertilité; Préservation de la fertilité.
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