Use of wastewater is known to provide nutrients for crop plants, but its potential to improve phosphorus (P) availability in semi-arid regions is poorly understood. In this study, seasonal changes in soil P availability as well as associated phyiscochemical and biochemical indicators were investigated from the wastewater irrigated urban soils of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Soil sampling was carried out during summer and winter season from four wastewater irrigated sites of varied stream flow i.e. upstream wastewater (UWW), midstream wastewater (MWW), lowerstream wastewater (LWW) and downstream wastewater (DWW), and canal water irrigation (CWI) as a reference site. Across seasons, MWW site had significantly higher soil organic carbon (SOC), water extractable organic carbon (WEOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) as well as the availability of phosphorus i.e. NaHCO3-P and H2O-P compared to CWI site. In both sampling seasons, MWW site also recorded significantly higher soil enzyme activities compared to the rest of wastewater sites. Moreover, significantly higher total P and electrical conductivity (EC) of soil was noticed at DWW site across both summer and winter seasons. Biplot principle component analysis also indicated seasonally a stronger shift in soil total P and EC at DWW site. On the other hand, availability of P was closely related to soil active carbon pools at MWW site. However, buildup of soil salinity particularly at DWW site along with lower P availability and associated changes in other soil properties, call for careful assessment of wastewater use in these urban soils.
Keywords: Aridisol; Salinity; Soil enzymes; Total P; Urban soils.
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