Ventral spinal tumors are surgically challenging because the tumor resection should minimize spinal cord and nerve root manipulation to minimize morbidity, while providing access to a complete tumor resection. The CO2 laser has been useful in resection of central nervous system tumors, but little is described about the method used to resect spinal tumors.1 This video demonstrates the removal of a ventral cervical spinal meningioma using the CO2 laser. A 62-yr-old man presented with progressive paresthesias, gait instability, and urinary frequency. A 1-cm intradural extramedullary mass at C5 showed severe spinal cord compression. Patient consent was obtained prior to performing the procedure. A posterior lateral approach is shown, with a bone removal corridor created at C5 for accessing the tumor ventrally. A right-sided facetectomy and pediculectomy at C5 were performed being flush with the posterior vertebral body. A dural opening positioned laterally provided a working corridor between C5 and C6 nerve rootlets. Lateral portions of tumor were excised in wedge-shaped slices starting laterally and working medially. These slices created a successive and enlarging space to safely allow piecemeal tumor dissection and removal, while limiting retraction upon the spinal cord. The CO2 laser was used to cauterize the tumor capsule, create wedge resections of tumor, and coagulate the final dural attachment. The pathology was a meningioma WHO Grade I. The patient did well, with resolution of parasthesias and ataxia. The CO2 laser technique allowed for limited spinal cord retraction throughout the tumor resection and gross total resection of the tumor was achieved.
Keywords: CO2 Laser; Cervical spinal tumor; Intramural extramedullary; Meningioma.
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