Goal: To report our experience with the use of Stoppa approach for fractures of the acetabulum with quadrilateral plate involvement.
Material and method: Retrospective study; level iv. All patients were operated in a third level trauma center. The surgical team was experienced in the management of pelvic fractures. Data about patients, injuries, treatment features and clinical and radiological results were collected. We performed a statistical analysis; both descriptive and analytical.
Result: 16 patients integrated the sample. 15 suffered associated fracture patterns. Anatomical plates were used in 15. Four required extended approaches. Reduction was anatomical in 9. 7 suffered some complication, needing the additional surgical procedures in 4. The surgical site infection rate was particularly high, appearing in 3.
Discussion: Radiological results were within the previously reported. We had a high complication rate, particularly infection. This outcome may be influenced by the special complexity of our cases and the adaptation process to a new technique.
Conclussion: Using the Stoppa approach we achieved lots of good or anatomical reductions. However, is an exigent and not without complications technique.
Keywords: Abordaje anterior intrapélvico; Acetabular fracture; Anterior intrapelvic approach; Fractura acetabular; Lámina cuadrilátera; Quadrilateral plate; Rives-Stoppa; Stoppa; Trauma; Traumatismo.
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