Introduction: The right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV) accounts as the most frequently reconnected vein after pulmonary vein isolation using second-generation cryoballoon ablation (CB-A). Our objective was to assess anatomic predictors of late RIPV reconnection based on preprocedural computed tomography scan.
Methods: Patients with a repeat procedure for atrial tachyarrhythmia recurrence after index CB-A procedure were included. A total of 129 RIPVs were evaluated for ostial diameters, ostial area, and branching pattern. Interior angle between RIPV and horizontal line in the frontal/transversal plane was used to measure the RIPV orientation: RIPV frontal/transversal angle, respectively. In addition, interior angle between RIPV and the line perpendicular on the septal intersection line at the level of the fossa ovalis, estimated as trans-septal (TS) puncture site, was measured in the frontal/transversal view: RIPV-TS frontal/transversal angle, respectively.
Results: Late vein reconnection was present in 36/129 RIPVs (28%). Warmer balloon nadir temperature (P = .01), more inferior (P < .001) and posterior (P < .01) RIPV orientation (ie, more positive RIPV frontal and RIPV transversal angle, respectively), and sharper RIPV-TS frontal angle (P < .001) were associated with late RIPV reconnection on univariate analysis. Independent variables after multivariate analysis were nadir temperature (odds ratio [OR], 1.12; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03-1.23; P = .013) and RIPV frontal angle (OR, 1.13, CI, 1.07-1.19; P < .001).
Conclusion: Frontal RIPV orientation could significantly predict late RIPV electrical reconnection after CB-A. Therefore, preprocedural anatomic assessment of the RIPV might be useful to plan the correct ablation strategy.
Keywords: atrial fibrillation; pulmonary vein anatomy; right inferior pulmonary vein reconnection; second-generation cryoballoon ablation.
© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.