[Minimally invasive surgery for gastrointestinal stromal tumors--pursuing the trivial, or striving for perfection]

Zhonghua Wei Chang Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2019 Sep 25;22(9):820-825. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1671-0274.2019.09.004.
[Article in Chinese]


Complete surgical resection is the main treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). However, GIST is crisp with rich blood supply, and prone to rupture with improper handling, leading to intra-abdominal hemorrhage and tumor cell dissemination. With the development of technology and equipment, minimally invasive surgery is getting mature. However, according to a phase III, multicenter, randomized controlled trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine in November 2018, open surgery was superior to minimally invasive surgery for early cervical cancer, which warned us that the application of minimally invasive surgery in GIST should be understood dialectically. The general principle of minimally invasive surgery of GIST is avoiding tumor rupture, despite the different location and decision-making according to tumor location. For gastric GIST, minimally invasive surgery should be performed with tumor locating at the greater curvature or anterior wall of the stomach, and with a diameter less than 5 cm. Small intestinal GIST is more malignant and not recommended to undergo minimally invasive surgery, but the technique can be used to expose and locate the tumor. Colorectal GIST is rare but highly malignant, therefore open surgery should be the first choice. In fact, minimally invasive surgery for rectal GIST has certain advantages such as better visualization compared to open surgery. GIST in non-appropriate location, such as the esophagogastric junction, pylorus, and duodenum, should be treated with caution because of its close relationship with organ function. The general principle of GIST treatment is to completely remove the tumor while retaining organ function. The application of minimally invasive surgery should not cause extra damage to organ function or increase the risk of tumor rupture. Endoscopic treatment of GIST still lacks high-quality evidence-based studies. The application of minimally invasive surgery should be conservative. The purpose of performing minimally invasive surgery is not the technique itself, but to minimize the injuries to tissue and organs. In conclusion, we should perform minimally invasive surgery for appropriate patients cautiously on the basis of complete resection and function preservation.

手术完整切除是胃肠间质瘤(GIST)的主要治疗手段,但是GIST质地糟脆、富血供,术中操作不当可造成肿瘤破裂,从而导致腹腔出血与播散种植。随着技术与器械的发展,微创手术日趋成熟并得到了广泛的应用,但《新英格兰医学杂志》于2018年11月发表的一项比较开放手术和微创手术对早期宫颈癌患者预后影响的三期、多中心、随机对照临床研究结果,显示开放手术优于微创手术。警醒我们,对于微创手术在GIST中的运用应持辨证的观点。在不同部位GIST治疗中,微创手术的定位和决策有所不同,总的原则要求术中操作需着重避免肿瘤破裂。对于胃GIST,应选择直径<5 cm、位于胃大弯、胃体前壁、胃底部位的GIST进行微创手术;小肠GIST恶性程度较高,不建议常规行微创手术切除,但可借助微创手术暴露及定位肿瘤;结直肠GIST较为罕见,恶性程度较高,故结肠GIST应首选开放手术,而直肠GIST微创手术的应用因其视野清晰有一定优势;食管胃结合部、幽门、十二指肠等特殊部位GIST由于与功能密切相关,处理较为棘手,需谨慎对待,总的治疗原则是完整切除肿瘤的同时保留器官功能,不能为了追求微创手术而造成肿瘤破裂或器官功能损伤。内镜下治疗GIST尚缺乏高质量的循证医学证据,宜持保守态度。在GIST外科治疗中,微创是目的,而不是手段。不能为了微创而微创,把"微创"做成"巨创",从而造成治疗的舍本逐末。而在"不接触,轻挤压,完整切除,尽可能保留功能"的基础上,对适宜的患者谨慎地开展微创手术,才是治疗的精益求精。.

Keywords: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor; Minimally invasive surgery; Open surgery.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors* / surgery
  • Humans
  • Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures* / standards
  • Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures* / trends
  • Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic