Heterogeneity within lymphocyte subsets expressing T-helper (T4+/Leu3+) or T-suppressor (T8+/Leu2+) markers was analyzed in 38 patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) and in 11 age-matched controls. Co-expression of NK-lineage markers (M1, Leu7) on Leu2+ or Leu3+ cells was investigated by two-color immunofluorescence, and the proportion of granular lymphocytes within each subset was determined by cytochemical staining for acid phosphatase. B-CLL patients and normal controls had similar absolute numbers of cells per microL with T-suppressor phenotype. However, the proportion of Leu2+ cells co-expressing the Leu7 antigen was higher in the B-CLL patients than in the control subjects (54 +/- 3% v 27 +/- 4%, P less than .0001). The absolute number per microL of cells with T-helper phenotype was somewhat decreased in B-CLL patients compared with normal subjects (649 +/- 104 v 799 +/- 33, P less than .02), with a consequent decrease of the helper/suppressor ratio. Furthermore, co-expression of the Leu7 and, more strikingly, of the M1 markers was increased significantly on Leu3+ cells from B-CLL patients compared with normal controls (11 +/- 2% v 2 +/- 0.7%, P less than .002 for Leu7 and 40 +/- 5% v 4 +/- 1%, P less than .00001 for M1). Cytochemical studies showed that a large proportion of Leu3+ cells from B-CLL patients were granular lymphocytes, as suggested by the co-expression of natural killer (NK) cell markers. The emergence of a population of Leu3+ granular lymphocytes with NK markers, which is barely detectable in normal subjects, may provide an explanation for the impairment of T cell functions repeatedly described in B-CLL.