Medication errors (ME) are frequently encountered and present at every step of the therapeutic process. This study's aims were to take stock of the ME reported to the region's pharmacovigilance (CRPV) and poison control centers (CAPTV) and to identify potential regional actions. A 2-months (January and February 2017) prospective gathering of the calls to the CAPTV regarding the ME and of the ME declarations to the region's CRPV (Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Lyon, Saint-Etienne) has been carried out. The place of occurrence, the event's description and its consequences and data regarding the patient were collected. In addition to that, the regional drug observatory OMEDIT analysis has allowed to determine the ME's types (REMED characterization, never event?) and to look for the results of a potential thorough analysis. The study reported 580 calls for 590 ME and 583 patients. ME mostly affected the ambulatory/domicile sector (76%), the medico-social sector (14%) and the healthcare facilities sector (7%). It usually was about dose errors, medication errors and patient errors with a different profile in each sector. The majority of errors (85%) occurred at the administration step. Almost all the observed ME were confirmed errors having reached the patient (99.5%) but only a few had serious consequences. One out of 5 ME was eligible for a thorough analysis but even less were subjected to that kind of analysis. The main never event concerned the unidose in the ambulatory sector. The health products involved were mostly a single medication (75%) and then the patient's full treatment (12%). The CRPV/CAPTV/OMEDIT's skills are complementary for the gathering, the analysis and the management of the ME. Training campaigns and support are to be considered for the professionals and especially within the medico-social facilities.
Keywords: Erreurs médicamenteuses; Formation continue; Gestion des risques; In-service training; Medication errors; Prospective study; Risk management; Étude prospective.
Copyright © 2019 Société française de pharmacologie et de thérapeutique. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.