Mismatch repair deficient (MMR-D) tumors exemplify the prototypic hypermutator phenotype. Owing to the high mutation rates, plenty of neo-antigens are present on the tumor cells' surface, ideally shared among different cancer types. The MLH1 knock out mouse represents a preclinical model that resembles features of the human MMR-D counterpart. While these mice develop neoplasias in a sequential twin-peaked manner (lymphomas > gastrointestinal tumors (GIT)) we aimed at identification of underlying molecular mechanisms. Using whole-genome sequencing, we focused on (I) shared and (II) mutually exclusive mutations and describe the process of ongoing mutational events in tumor-derived cell cultures. The landscape of MLH1-/- tumors is heterogeneous with only a few shared mutations being detectable among different tumor entities (ARID1A and IDH2). With respect to coding microsatellite analysis of MMR-D-related target genes, partial overlap was detectable, yet recognizing shared antigens. The present study is the first reporting results of a comparison between spontaneously developing tumors in MMR-D driven tumorigenesis. Additionally to identifying ARID1A as potential causative mutation hotspot, this comprehensive characterization of the mutational landscape may be a good starting point to refine therapeutic concepts.
Keywords: exclusive/shared mutations; predicted tumor antigens; tumor mutational burden.