Purpose: To present a unique case of optic disk pseudo-duplication with proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Methods: Case report.
Results: A 63-year-old white diabetic man presented with an apparent duplicated optic disk in the superonasal midperiphery of his left eye. A large flat frond of neovascularization fanned out from this structure. Optical coherence tomography scanning showed a noncolobomatous scar with a large plume of blood vessels sprouting from the choroid, thru the retina and branching out into the vitreous. Magnetic resonance imaging scanning revealed a normal left globe and orbit with a single optic nerve. The neovascularization regressed after panretinal photocoagulation and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy.
Conclusion: We describe a unique case of proliferative diabetic retinopathy associated with pseudo-duplication of the optic disk. This case is unique in the peripheral location of the pseudo-duplication, the presence of spontaneous choroidovitreal neovascularization in proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and the appearance of neovascularization elsewhere mimicking neovascularization of the duplicated disk.