The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between condemnations in slaughterhouses situated in Minas Gerais State and notifications to the Brazilian Official Veterinary Service of cattle that were positive for intradermal tuberculin tests. Data were obtained from three slaughterhouses under different surveillance conditions and from the Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Health Agency for 2011 to 2017. During this period, there was an increase in the number of condemnations of females aged over 36 months, despite the number of females testing with intradermal tests and being reported as positive decreasing. Therefore, there is a discrepancy between the analyzed variables. Since there is a belief that slaughter condemnations can be used as tools for epidemiological surveys in beef and dairy farms, it is advisable for there to be a greater integration of the Brazilian Health Inspection Services in slaughterhouses and Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock defense department. This will ensure safe animal products.
Keywords: Artisan cheese; Intradermal tests; Mycobacterium bovis; Time series.