In recent years, asthma research has focused intensely on the severe part of the disease spectrum, leading to new treatments, mostly therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. However, severe asthma accounts for not more than 2% of asthma in the pediatric population. Therefore, non-severe asthma remains a major health problem in children, not only for patients and parents but also for healthcare professionals such as general practitioners, pediatricians and allergists who take care of these patients. It is thus essential to identify and put in context novel concepts, applicable to the treatment of these patients. Recent evidence suggests benefits from using anti-inflammatory treatment even for the mildest cases, for whom until now only symptomatic bronchodilation was recommended. Likewise, "reliever" medication may be better combined with an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Among "new" treatments (for children), ICS formulation in ultrafine particles has showed promise and tiotropium is gaining access to the pediatric population. Maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) is an option for moderate disease. Most importantly, personalized response to medications appears to be considerable, therefore, it may need to be taken into account. Overall, these new options provide opportunities for multiple new management strategies. The deployment of such strategies in different populations remains to be evaluated.
Keywords: MART; Mild asthma; Moderate asthma; Pharmacotherapy; Treatment.
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