Canker and wood rot pathogens cause dieback and, in severe cases, the death of young apple trees. Recently, a higher occurrence of cankers was observed on 1-year-old apple trees in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This study aimed to assess the phytosanitary status of nursery trees and propagation material as possible inoculum sources for canker pathogens. Thirteen 1-year-old apple orchards showing canker or dieback symptoms were sampled. Certified nursery apple trees were collected from four nurseries as well as scion and rootstock mother plant material. Isolations were made from the discoloration observed in the vascular tissue of the plant parts and from asymptomatic material. Possible canker and wood rot species were identified with PCR and sequence comparisons of the relevant gene regions and phylogenetic analyses. Similar canker and wood rot species were isolated from 1-year-old diseased apple trees, nursery apple trees, and the propagation material. Forty-five fungal species associated with canker or wood rot symptoms were identified. The top five most abundant fungal species found causing disease on commercial 1-year-old trees were also found in high numbers causing latent infection in certified apple nursery trees. These species were Didymosphaeria rubi-ulmifolii sensu lato, Diplodia seriata, Schizophyllum commune, Didymella pomorum, and Coniochaeta fasciculata, with D. rubi-ulmifolii sensu lato being the dominant species in both sampling materials. In all, 65% of certified nursery apple trees, 5% of scion shoots used for budding, and 21% of rooted rootstock cuttings from layer blocks had latent infections of canker and wood rot pathogens. Pathogenicity trials were conducted with isolates of 39 species, inoculated onto 2-year-old branches of 14-year-old Golden Delicious trees. All species caused lesions that were significantly longer than the control. This study confirmed the presence of canker and wood rot pathogens in apple propagation material as well as certified nursery apple trees, which will aid the improvement of management practices in nurseries.
Keywords: Malus spp.; canker; dieback; nursery; wood rot.