The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), is a polyphagous pest that feeds on a wide variety of agricultural commodities including tree fruits, berries, vegetables, field crops, and ornamental trees and shrubs. Accurate knowledge of where H. halys lays eggs is critical to optimize the potential release of Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead), a scelionid egg parasitoid native to the same host region as H. halys. Ideally, parasitoids should be released in and around areas with high host density. In southwestern Virginia in 2017 and 2018, we searched trees for egg masses in an urban environment and nonmanaged wooded border environment. We also evaluated the effects of a commercial aggregation lure on the number of eggs being deposited. This aggregation lure, when combined with methyl (E,E,Z)-2,4,6-decatrienoate (MDT), has been shown to attract both adult and nymph H. halys and its effects on egg laying were not known. Results of this study showed no difference between the number of eggs laid on trees with and without lures. Catalpa trees, Catalpa bignonioides Walter, had the most egg masses throughout the course of the study; however, the redbud, Cercis canadensis L., had similar numbers in the late July and August. There was an overall trend with more eggs masses found on trees with fruiting structures present. This information can provide insight on where and when to make augmentative releases of egg parasitoids for H. halys.
Keywords: Brown marmorated stink bug; aggregation lure; ornamental host; oviposition.
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