The Authors describe two cases of double mitral valve orifice associated with complete atrioventricular canal. The first patient, 10 month-old male, affected by type A complete atrioventricular canal, underwent surgical repair which was performed in association with division of the tissue bridge between the two orifices. The patient died the day after because of severe mitral insufficiency and pulmonary oedema. The second patient, 3.5 year-old female, affected by type A complete atrioventricular canal with pulmonary banding, underwent a surgical procedure without division of the tissue bridge. In the postoperative period a suture dehiscence occurred which caused severe mitral regurgitation, and another intervention had to be performed; subsequently the patient did well and was discharged in good condition. The Authors discuss the possible role of two dimensional and Doppler echocardiography in the diagnosis of this uncommon condition; they also discuss the related surgical problems and stress the necessity to repair with a proper compromise between residual mitral insufficiency and a mitral stenosis.