The cardiovascular effects of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) are modulated by inputs from peripheral sensors and other brain regions. However, it currently remains unknown whether the manual acupuncture (MA) stimulation of different acupuncture points evokes different responses by the heart and vasculature, a phenomenon known as "site specificity". Sixty healthy subjects were randomly divided into a control group and MA stimulation groups at the lower leg, ear, abdomen, and forearm. MA was performed at 1 Hz for 2 min. A depressor response was observed only in the lower leg stimulation group, in which mean blood pressure significantly decreased from 83.4 ± 10.1 to 80.9 ± 11.7 mmHg (p < 0.003). A bradycardic response was elicited in all MA stimulation groups. There was no significant differences in the magnitude of the bradycardic response between groups. MA-induced cardiovascular responses, which may be mediated by the modulation of ANS, differ depending on acupuncture points.
Keywords: Acupuncture; Blood pressure; Heart rate.