The inferior pharyngeal constrictor (IPC) originates from the thyroid and cricoid cartilages and inserts to the pharyngeal raphe. In serial sagittal sections of 37 embryos and fetuses at 6-15 weeks (crown rump length 15-115mm), we found (1) the IPC connecting to the sternothyroideus and thyrohyoideus muscles (16 fetuses at 6-11 weeks) or (2) the cricothyroideus muscle (6 fetuses at 12-15 weeks) in addition to the usual cricoid origin. These aberrant connections were most likely to be transient origins of the IPC not from a hard tissue but nearby striated muscles. In four of the latter six specimens, a tendinous band from the IPC inferior end connected to the cricothyroideus muscle to provide a digastric muscle-like appearance. These aberrant connections with nearby muscles seemed to become separated by a growing protrusion of the thyroid cartilage. Therefore, these aberrant origins were, even if developed, most likely to be "corrected" to the adult morphology during midterm or late prenatal period. The aberrant or transient origin of the IPC seemed to result from a discrepancy in growth of the cartilage and muscles. Such a discrepancy in growth seems to resemble the IPC wrapping around the superior cornu of thyroid cartilage. In addition, a final or adult-like morphology was found in two of the present 37 fetal specimens. It seemed to suggest a significant redundancy in growth rate of the laryngeal structures.
Keywords: Abberant origin; Cricothyroideus; Human fetus; Inferior pharyngeal constrictor; Laryngeal cartilage; Thyrohyoideus; Upper esophageal sphincter.
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