HPV vaccination has been introduced in clinical practice in recent years and represents the most effective strategy of primary prevention of cervical carcinoma and of female genital preneoplastic conditions. One of the major issues of the subject is represented by vaccination coverage of the target population. Since its introduction, HPV vaccine efficacy has been progressively demonstrated also towards extragenital HPV-correlated conditions and in males too. Moreover, even subjects of older age groups or subjects who already had HPV infections have been demonstrated to received benefits from vaccination, due to improvements of their immunological response. Recently, vaccine efficacy has also been investigated in terms of adjuvant administration after treatments of preneoplastic or benign conditions of the female lower genital tract caused by HPVs; preliminary results indicate an interesting and promising field of application. On this basis, in this article an analysis of the state of the art has been performed, with specific regard to the Italian scenario and with the focus of future perspectives of implementation of the HPV vaccination policy. From the available evidences, the Italian HPV Study Group recommends the extension of systematic HPV vaccination to males too, to adult subjects and also after conservative treatment of genital HPV correlated conditions.