All people want to age "successfully," maintaining functional capacity and quality of life as they reach advanced age. Achieving this goal depends on preserving optimal cognitive and brain functioning. Yet, significant individual differences exist in this regard. Some older adults continue to retain most cognitive abilities throughout their lifetime. Others experience declines in cognitive and functional capacity that range from mild decrements in certain cognitive functions over time to severe dementia among those with neurodegenerative diseases. Even among relatively healthy "successful agers," certain cognitive functions are reduced from earlier levels. This is particularly true for cognitive functions that are dependent on cognitive processing speed and efficiency. Working memory and executive and attentional functions tend to be most vulnerable. Learning and memory functions are also usually reduced, although in the absence of neurodegenerative disease learning and retrieval efficiency rather than memory storage are affected. Other functions, such as visual perception, language, semantics, and knowledge, are often well preserved. Structural, functional, and physiologic/metabolic brain changes correspond with age-associated cognitive decline. Physiologic and metabolic mechanisms, such as oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, may contribute to these changes, along with the contribution of comorbidities that secondarily affect the brain of older adults. Cognitive frailty often corresponds with physical frailty, both affected by multiple exogenous and endogenous factors. Neuropsychologic assessment provides a way of measuring the cognitive and functional status of older adults, which is useful for monitoring changes that may be occurring. Neuroimaging is also useful for characterizing age-associated structural, functional, physiologic, and metabolic brain changes, including alterations in cerebral blood flow and metabolite concentrations. Some interventions that may enhance cognitive function, such as cognitive training, neuromodulation, and pharmacologic approaches, exist or are being developed. Yet, preventing, slowing, and reversing the adverse effects of cognitive aging remains a challenge.
Keywords: Cognition; Cognitive and brain aging; Frailty; Functional capacity; Genetics; Interventions; Metabolism; Neurodegeneration; Neuroimaging; Neuropsychological assessment.
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