The statistics of urological operations performed at our department between Jan., 1, 1982 and Dec., 31, 1986 were reviewed. During the 5 year period, 2331 patients were admitted to our hospital and 2192 urological operations were performed on 1834 patients. These statistics were compared with earlier statistics for two periods (1972-1976 and 1977-1981) and the recent trend of urological operations was investigated. With regard to operated organ, operations on the kidney were the most frequent followed by those on the urinary bladder. Operations on the ureter decreased during the recent 5 year period and they were the fourth most frequent following those on the scrotum, scrotal contents and penis. Operations on the adrenal gland, retroperitoneal space and parathyroid gland have gradually increased. As in the former report, transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TUR-Bt) was the most frequent and nephrectomy, TUR of prostate (TUR-P) and renal allotransplantation have followed. TUR-Bt and TUR-P have increased more and more and due to the introduction of percutaneous nephrolithotripsy and transureteral lithotripsy, open surgery for urolithiasis has greatly decreased. Endourological operations will still be on the increase.