In many species, temperature-sensitive phenotypic plasticity (i.e., an individual's phenotypic response to temperature) displays a positive correlation with latitude, a pattern presumed to reflect local adaptation. This geographical pattern raises two general questions: (a) Do a few large-effect genes contribute to latitudinal variation in a trait? (b) Is the thermal plasticity of different traits regulated pleiotropically? To address the questions, we crossed individuals of Plantago lanceolata derived from northern and southern European populations. Individuals naturally exhibited high and low thermal plasticity in floral reflectance and flowering time. We grew parents and offspring in controlled cool- and warm-temperature environments, mimicking what plants would encounter in nature. We obtained genetic markers via genotype-by-sequencing, produced the first recombination map for this ecologically important nonmodel species, and performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping of thermal plasticity and single-environment values for both traits. We identified a large-effect QTL that largely explained the reflectance plasticity differences between northern and southern populations. We identified multiple smaller-effect QTLs affecting aspects of flowering time, one of which affected flowering time plasticity. The results indicate that the genetic architecture of thermal plasticity in flowering is more complex than for reflectance. One flowering time QTL showed strong cytonuclear interactions under cool temperatures. Reflectance and flowering plasticity QTLs did not colocalize, suggesting little pleiotropic genetic control and freedom for independent trait evolution. Such genetic information about the architecture of plasticity is environmentally important because it informs us about the potential for plasticity to offset negative effects of climate change.
Keywords: QTL mapping; adaptive plasticity; genetic architecture; geographical cline; linkage map; phenotypic plasticity; thermal plasticity.
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.