Background: Individuals with peanut allergy often avoid tree nuts, yet true rates of tree nut allergy in peanut-allergic individuals are as low as 7%.
Objective: To examine tree nut sensitization patterns in peanut-allergic individuals, patient and family choice regarding tree nut consumption, and factors that influence consumption of tree nuts.
Methods: All patients presenting for peanut allergy evaluation to an outpatient allergy office were included during a 4-month period. In addition to demographic information, sensitization to tree nuts and tree nut consumption were collected. Logistic regression was performed to generate odds ratios with 95% CIs in univariate and multivariate analyses for variables that predict tree nut consumption.
Results: A total of 258 individuals with peanut allergy were enrolled. Ninety-five (36.8%) consumed all tree nuts ad libitum, 63 (24.4%) consumed some but not all tree nuts, and 100 (38.8%) consumed no tree nuts. Of the 100 electively avoiding all tree nuts, the most commonly reported reason was fear of cross-contact (50%). Although there was no difference between rates of sensitization between individual tree nuts (P = .056), cashew and pistachio had higher serum specific IgE levels compared with other tree nuts (P < .001). The tree nut most commonly consumed by peanut-allergic individuals was almond (P < .001). Consumption of foods with precautionary labeling was the strongest predictor of tree nut consumption in peanut allergic individuals (P < .001) CONCLUSION: Our data highlight the potential for safe introduction of tree nuts in peanut-allergic individuals and indicate that peanut-allergic individuals who consume foods with precautionary labeling are most likely to consume tree nuts.
Copyright © 2019 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.