Reliable long-term assessment of cough is necessary in many clinical and scientific settings. A new method for long-term recording and automatic analysis of cough is presented. The method is based on simultaneous recording of two independent signals: high-pass filtered cough sounds and cough-induced fast movements of the body. The acoustic signals are recorded with a dynamic microphone in the acoustic focus of a glass fiber paraboloid mirror. Body movements are recorded with a static charge-sensitive bed located under an ordinary plastic foam mattress. The patient can be studied lying or sitting with no transducers or electrodes attached. A microcomputer is used for sampling of signals, detection of cough, statistical analyses, and on-line printing of results. The method was validated in seven adult patients with a total of 809 spontaneous cough events, using clinical observation as a reference. The sensitivity of the method to detect cough was 99.0 percent, and the positive predictivity was 98.1 percent. The system ignored speaking and snoring. The method provides a convenient means of reliable long-term follow-up of cough in clinical work and research.