Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a prototype autoimmune disease characterized by oral and ocular mucosal dryness following chronic inflammation of salivary and lachrymal glands, respectively. Profound B cell hyperactivity along with systemic manifestations including fatigue, musculoskeletal complaints, features related to hepatic, pulmonary, renal and nervous system involvement, as well as lymphoma development can be also present. Despite that activation of both innate and adaptive immune pathways has been long well documented in SS pathogenesis, systemic immunosuppression in SS, in contrast to other autoimmune diseases, has been largely inefficacious. Biological agents previously implemented in successful therapeutic outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), such as anti-TNF agents, anakinra, tocilizumab and rituximab failed to reach primary outcomes in randomized double-blind controlled trials in the context of SS. Abatacept and belimumab, already licensed for the treatment of RA and lupus respectively, as well combination regimens of both rituximab and belimumab hold some promise in alleviation of SS-specific complaints, but data from large controlled trials are awaited. Recent advances in dissecting the molecular pathways underlying SS pathogenesis led to an expanding number of novel biological compounds directed towards type I interferon system, antigen presentation, costimulatory pathways, B and T cell activation, as well as germinal center formation. While targeting of cathepsin-S (Petesicatib), inducible costimulator of T cells ligand (prezalumab), and lymphotoxin beta receptor (baminercept) failed to fulfil the primary outcome measures, preliminary results from two randomized placebo controlled trials on CD40 blockade (Iscalimab) and B-cell activating factor receptor (Ianalumab) inhibition resulted in significant reduction of SS disease activity, with a favorable so far safety profile. Results from administration of other kinase inhibitors, a transmembrane activator and calcium-modulator and cytophilin ligand interactor TACI fusion protein (RC18), as well as low dose recombinant interleukin-2 to expand T-regulatory cells are currently awaited.
Keywords: Biologic agents; Sjögren's syndrome; Therapeutic targets; Treatment.
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