Purpose: The model used to calculate dose distributions in a radiotherapy treatment plan relies on the data entered during beam commissioning. The quality of these data heavily depends on the detector choice made, especially in small fields and in the buildup region. Therefore, it is necessary to identify suitable detectors for measurements in the buildup region of small fields. To aid the understanding of a detector's limitations, several factors that influence the detector signal are to be analyzed, for example, the volume effect due to the detector size, the response to electron contamination, the signal dependence on the polarity used, and the effective point of measurement chosen.
Methods: We tested the suitability of different small field detectors for measurements of depth dose curves with a special focus on the surface-near area of dose buildup for fields sized between 10 × 10 and 0.6 × 0.6 cm2 . Depth dose curves were measured with 14 different detectors including plane-parallel chambers, thimble chambers of different types and sizes, shielded and unshielded diodes as well as a diamond detector. Those curves were compared with depth dose curves acquired on Gafchromic film. Additionally, the magnitude of geometric volume corrections was estimated from film profiles in different depths. Furthermore, a lead foil was inserted into the beam to reduce contaminating electrons and to study the resulting changes of the detector response. The role of the effective point of measurement was investigated by quantifying the changes occurring when shifting depth dose curves. Last, measurements for the small ionization chambers taken at opposing biasing voltages were compared to study polarity effects.
Results: Depth-dependent correction factors for relative depth dose curves with different detectors were derived. Film, the Farmer chamber FC23, a 0.13 cm3 scanning chamber CC13 and a plane-parallel chamber PPC05 agree very well in fields sized 4 × 4 and 10 × 10 cm2 . For most detectors and in smaller fields, depth dose curves differ from the film. In general, shielded diodes require larger corrections than unshielded diodes. Neither the geometric volume effect nor the electron contamination can account for the detector differences. The biggest uncertainty arises from the positioning of a detector with respect to the water surface and from the choice of the detector's effective point of measurement. Depth dose curves acquired with small ionization chambers differ by over 15% in the buildup region depending on sign of the biasing voltage used.
Conclusions: A scanning chamber or a PPC40 chamber is suitable for fields larger than 4 × 4 cm2 . Below that field size, the microDiamond or small ionization chambers perform best requiring the smallest corrections at depth as well as in the buildup region. Diode response changes considerably between the different types of detectors. The position of the effective point of measurement has a huge effect on the resulting curves, therefore detector specific rather than general shifts of half the inner radius of cylindrical ionization chambers for the effective point of measurement should be used. For small ionization chambers, averaging between both polarities is necessary for data obtained near the surface.
Keywords: buildup region; diode; dosimetry; microionization chambers; percent depth dose curves.
© 2019 The Authors. Medical Physics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.