This study aimed to evaluate the influence of change in respiratory motion on matchline (ML) and reduction of the effect by increasing ML levels of field matching technique in passive scattering proton therapy for esophageal cancer. To evaluate the influence of respiratory motion in terms of stability, we measured relative dose around ML using a respiratory motion phantom. The relative error was -0.5% when the respiratory motion phantom worked stable, whereas there was obvious change that the relative error was -25.5% when the difference of amplitude between upper field and lower field was one side 3 mm on each cranially and caudally direction. In clinical case of the seven esophageal cancer patients simulated by the treatment planning system, assuming the difference of amplitude was 3 mm, the relative error of maximum (minimum) dose in clinical target volume around ML against the original treatment plan were 5.8±1.2% (-6.0±2.7%), 3.3±0.9% (-3.8±1.0%), and 2.4±0.5% (2.6±0.8%) on average (±SD) when ML levels were 2, 4, and 6, respectively. Increasing ML levels can reduce the influence of respiratory motion.
Keywords: esophageal cancer; field matching technique; matchline; passive scattering proton therapy; respiratory motion.