The value of Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging was examined in the anatomical staging of bone osteosarcomas. Eleven patients were studied--8 central and 3 parosteal osteosarcomas. The accuracy of MR imaging was compared to that of plain film, scintigraphy, CT, and angiography. MR imaging was superior to both CT and radionuclide scanning in defining intramedullary extension and in showing skip metastases. Cortical erosion in central osteosarcomas was demonstrated by MR imaging, CT, and plain film; in 1 case of parosteal osteosarcoma MR imaging was superior to CT in showing cortical penetration. In two cases MR imaging did not accurately demonstrate the relationship of the tumor to the major vessels; only angiography showed vascular involvement. MR imaging was useful in delineating extraosseous extension. The importance is stressed of a correct use of MR imaging towards an accurate diagnosis. In fact, intramedullary extension and skip metastases were better demonstrated on T1-weighted images with large fields, while T2-weighted images and small fields were needed for the best overall evaluation of extraosseous involvement. In conclusion, MR imaging should be used for preoperative staging of osteosarcomas in those cases where diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical, radiographic, and bioptic findings.