The Hepatitis E (HE) is a viral liver disease that is common on all continents at different rates and very frequently is not symptomatically distinguishable from other viral hepatitis, such as hepatitis A, B and C, as well as from other infectious diseases referred to as "acute jaundice syndrome". The GE-anthroponosis (in the case of infection caused by genotypes 1 or 2 of hepatitis E virus) or anthropozoonosis (in the case of infection caused by 3 or 4 viruses) is predominantly propagated through fecal-oral transmission. The article presents the general characteristics of VGE, human risk factors and means of prevention. The particular attention is paid to the development of complex of anti-epidemic, hygienic and veterinary sanitary measures in the Belgorod Oblast.
Keywords: anthropozoonosis; autochthonous; circulation; methods of prevention; morbidity; risk factors; viral hepatitis E; virus elimination.