Stable isotope-resolved metabolomics (SIRM), based on the analysis of biological samples from living cells incubated with artificial isotope enriched substrates, enables mapping the rates of biochemical reactions (metabolic fluxes). We developed software supporting a workflow of analysis of SIRM data obtained with mass spectrometry (MS). The evaluation of fluxes starting from raw MS recordings requires at least three steps of computer support: first, extraction of mass spectra of metabolites of interest, then correction of the spectra for natural isotope abundance, and finally, evaluation of fluxes by simulation of the corrected spectra using a corresponding mathematical model. A kinetic model based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for isotopomers of metabolites of the corresponding biochemical network supports the final part of the analysis, which provides a dynamic flux map.
Keywords: Central energy metabolism; Computational analysis; Isotopolog distribution; Kinetic models of metabolism; Mass spectrometry; Metabolic fluxes; Stable isotope tracing; Stable isotope-resolved metabolomics.