The current study examines learning patterns in response to both monetary and social incentives through both approach and avoidance behaviors using modified versions of the Iowa Gambling Task. Specifically, we investigated learning in response to both positive and negative feedback in a sample of 191 undergraduate students. The social task was a novel paradigm, and social feedback were images of faces displaying positive and negative emotions. We examined internal validity of the tasks through modeling changes in approach and avoidance. We also explored associations between approach and avoidance learning and individual differences in anxiety and social anxiety, depression and well-being, general anhedonia and social closeness, and fun-seeking, using multilevel models (MLMs). Results showed that both the monetary and social tasks demonstrated learning as shown by decreases in plays on disadvantageous decks across the task. Additionally, we found that overall task performance on the monetary task was associated with fun-seeking and overall task performance on the social task was associated with fun-seeking and depressive symptoms. Initial findings suggest promise for the novel task in the examination of social avoidance learning.
Keywords: Approach and avoidance; Emotions; Iowa gambling task; Learning; Social.
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