O-Phosphorylation (phosphorylation of the hydroxyl-group of S, T, and Y residues) is among the first described and most thoroughly studied posttranslational modification (PTM). Y-Phosphorylation, catalyzed by Y-kinases, is a key step in both signal transduction and regulation of enzymatic activity in mammalian systems. Canonical Y-kinase sequences are absent from plant genomes/kinomes, often leading to the assumption that plant cells lack O-phospho-l-tyrosine (pY). However, recent improvements in sample preparation, coupled with advances in instrument sensitivity and accessibility, have led to results that unequivocally disproved this assumption. Identification of hundreds of pY-peptides/proteins, followed by validation using genomic, molecular, and biochemical approaches, implies previously unappreciated roles for this "animal PTM" in plants. Herein, we review extant results from studies of pY in plants and propose a strategy for preparation and analysis of pY-peptides that will allow a depth of coverage of the plant pY-proteome comparable to that achieved in mammalian systems.
Keywords: mass spectrometry; plant proteomics; regulation, signaling, tyrosine phosphorylation.