This study includes 392 patients (231 Stage I and 161 Stage II) treated by tumorectomy followed by radiotherapy. The overall actuarial survival for all the patients is 86.5% at 5 years and 78% at 10 years. The 5-year NED survival is 70.2%. The survival rates are depending on the loco-regional extension: Stage I: 92% survival at 5 years and 84% at 10 years; Stage II: 82% survival at 5 years and 75% at 10 years. The percentage of local recurrences were 13% for all stages (10.6% for Stage I, 16% for Stage II), of lymph node recurrences: 1.5% for all stages, 1.3% for Stage I, 2% for Stage II, of distant metastases: 11.2% for all stages, 8% for Stage I and 16% for Stage II. The loco-regional control rates were analyzed according to the TNM classification and discussed and compared to several literature data. The breast preservation rates were at 5 years 85% for Stage I and 80.9% for Stage II. Cosmetic results are judged as good in 80% by doctors and in 90% by patients themselves with very low complication rates.