Achieving efficient and biocompatible detachment between adhered wet materials (i.e., tissues and hydrogels) is a major challenge. Recently, photodetachable topological adhesion has shown great promise as a strategy for conquering this hurdle. However, this photodetachment was triggered by UV light with poor biocompatibility and penetration capacity. This study describes near-infrared (NIR) light-detached topological adhesion based on polyacrylic acid coated upconverting nanoparticles (UCNP@PAA) and a photodetachable adhesive (termed Cell-Fe). Cell-Fe is a coordinated topological adhesive consisting of carboxymethylcellulose and Fe3+ that can be photodecomposed by UV light. To prepare a substrate for NIR-detached topological adhesion, UCNP@PAA and Cell-Fe were mixed and brushed on the surface of the model adherent. The UCNP@PAA can harvest NIR light and convert it into UV light, triggering the decomposition of the Cell-Fe and inducing the detachment. This NIR-detached topological adhesion is also feasible in deep tissue because of the ability of NIR light to penetrate tissue.
Keywords: Biomaterials; Nanoparticles; Optical Materials.
Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.