We aimed to estimate the supply of ophthalmologists in relation to the global and regional burden of vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy (VTDR). Diabetes mellitus (DM) population data from seven world regions were obtained from the International Diabetes Federation Atlas 2017. A systematic review was performed to include population-, community-based studies that reported country-specific VTDR prevalence. Random effect meta-analysis was then performed to estimate global and regional VTDR prevalence. VTDR prevalence estimates coupled with DM population data were then used to estimate the number of VTDR cases. Global and regional number of ophthalmologists were derived from the International Council of Ophthalmology Report 2015. Fifty studies (17 from Western Pacific [WP], nine North America and Caribbean [NAC], nine Middle East and North Africa [MENA], five Europe, eight South East Asia [SEA], one South and Central America [SACA] and one from Africa) were included. Global VTDR prevalence was 7.26% (95% CI, 6.18-8.32%). Regional VTDR prevalence was 14.35% in Africa, 11.21% in MENA, 10.00% in NAC, 6.32% in Europe, 6.22% in WP, 5.83% in SACA and 2.97% in SEA. Globally, there were 7.16 ophthalmologists per 1000 VTDR patients. Europe had the highest ophthalmologist per 1000 VTDR patient ratio at 18.03 followed by SACA (17.41), while NAC, MENA and Africa had the lowest at 4.90, 4.81 and 0.91 respectively. Across regions, the ophthalmologist densities ranged from 0.91 to 18.03 per 1000 VTDR patients, with NAC, MENA and Africa having less than 5 ophthalmologists per 1000 patients. These findings will aid global and regional policy planning and healthcare resource allocation for VTDR management.
摘要: 我们旨在评估眼科医生的资源与威胁视力的糖尿病视网膜病变 (vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy VTDR) 给全球和局部地区带来的影响。全球7个地区的糖尿病 (Diabetes mellitus DM) 人口数据来自于2017年 国际糖尿病地图 (IDF地图) 。该系统综述纳入了以人群及社区为基础开展的研究, 报告了特定国家VTDR的发病率。随后也进行了随机效应荟萃分析以进一步评估全球和局部地区VTDR的发病率。结合VTDR发病率与DM人口数据可用于评估VTDR总例数。全球和局部地区眼科医生的人数来源于2015年国际眼科学会报告。 本文纳入了50个研究 (17个来自西太平洋, 9个来自北美和加勒比, 9个来自中东和北非, 5个来自欧洲, 8个来自东南亚, 1个来自南美和中美洲, 1个来自非洲) 。全球VTDR的患病率为7.26% (95% CI, 6.18–8.32%)。非洲局部地区VTDR的患病率为14.35%, 中东和北非地区为11.21%, 北美和加勒比地区为10.00%, 欧洲地区为6.32%, 西太平洋地区为6.22%, 南美和中美洲地区为5.83%, 东南亚地区为2.97% 。全球每1000名VTDR患者中对应7.16名眼科医生。欧洲每1000名VTDR患者中眼科医生的比例最高, 为18.03, 其次是南美和中美洲, 为17.41, 而北美和加勒比、中东和北非及非洲的比例最低, 分别为4.90、4.81和0.91。 在不同地区, 每1000名VTDR患者中, 眼科医生的密度从0.91到18.03不等, 而北美和加勒比、中东和北非以及非洲每1000名患者中只有不到5名的眼科医生。这些发现将有助于全球和地区政策的制定以及针对VTDR管理的医疗资源的分配。.