Composite lightweight materials for X-ray shielding applications were studied anddeveloped with the goal of replacing traditional screens made of lead and steel, with innovativematerials with similar shielding properties, but lighter, more easily formed and workable, with lowerimpact on the environment and reduced toxicity for human health. New epoxy-based compositesadditivated with barium sulfate and bismuth oxide were designed through simulations performedwith software based on Geant4. Then, they were prepared and characterized using differenttechniques starting from digital radiography in order to test the radiopacity of the composites,in comparison with traditional materials. The lower environmental impact and toxicity of theseinnovative screens were quantified by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) calculation based on the ecoinventdatabase, within the openLCA framework. Optimized mixtures are (i) 20% epoxy/60% bismuthoxide/20% barite, which guarantees the best performance in X-ray shielding, largely overcomingsteel, but higher in costs and a weight reduction of circa 60%; (ii) 20% epoxy/40% bismuth oxide/40%barite which has slightly lower performances in shielding, but it is lighter and cheaper than thefirst one and (iii) the 20% epoxy/20% bismuth oxide/60% barite which is the cheapest material, stillmaintaining the X-ray shielding of steel. Depending on the cost/efficiency request of the specificapplication (industrial ra.
Keywords: Geant4 simulations; X-ray radiography; bariumsulfate; bismuth oxide; epoxy resins; experimental design; hard X-ray shielding; life cycle assessment; physical-chemical characterization; polymer composite.