Chronic recurrent experimental allergic encephalomyelitis was induced in a strain 13 guinea pig by inoculation of isologous spinal cord homogenate. The spinal cord was obtained after perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde and examined with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. Proton NMR spin echo images (repetition time: 3 s; echo times: 20 and 60 ms) were obtained from intact, isolated spinal cord in a 4.7 Tesla, 50 mm bore magnet. The slice thickness of the images was 380 microns and the inplane resolution was 40 X 40 microns. The images showed superficial areas of low signal intensity in the lateroventral regions of the white matter, in some instances with a seam of higher signal intensity. Neuropathologically, these abnormalities corresponded exactly to areas of demyelination. Control images did not show these abnormalities. The present high resolution imaging allowed a correlation between demyelination and abnormal NMR signals in a small laboratory animal with an inflammatory demyelinating disease.