This in vitro study aimed to find the best method of granulocyte isolation for subsequentlabeling with multimodal nanoparticles (magnetic and fluorescent properties) to enable detectionby optical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. The granulocytes were obtained fromvenous blood samples from 12 healthy volunteers. To achieve high purity and yield, four differentmethods of granulocyte isolation were evaluated. The isolated granulocytes were labeled withmultimodal superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (M-SPIONs) coated with dextran, and theiron load was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by MRI, near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF)and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The best method of granulocyteisolation was Percoll with Ficoll, which showed 95.92% purity and 94% viability. After labeling withM-SPIONs, the granulocytes showed 98.0% purity with a yield of 3.5 × 106 cells/mL and more than98.6% viability. The iron-loading value in the labeled granulocytes, as obtained by MRI, was 6.40 ±0.18 pg/cell. Similar values were found with the ICP-MS and NIRF imaging techniques. Therefore,our study shows that it is possible to isolate granulocytes with high purity and yield and labelingwith M-SPIONs provides a high internalized iron load and low toxicity to cells. Therefore, these MSPION-labeled granulocytes could be a promising candidate for future use ininflammation/infection detection by optical and MRI techniques.
Keywords: ICP-MS; SPION; granulocyte isolation; infection; inflammation; magnetic nanoparticle; magnetic resonance imaging; molecular imaging; near-infrared fluorescence.