Background/aim: We present a novel multi-faceted, internationally adaptable course curriculum blueprint, which provides holistic surgical education at the undergraduate level.
Materials and methods: The Integrated Generation 4 (iG4) course (Essential Skills in the Management of Surgical Cases - ESMSC Marathon course) curriculum consists of four essential learning components: core skills-based learning, case-based discussions, basic science workshops and soft-skills. These are all clustered in a specialty-led network architecture. Every cluster consists of modules from the four learning cores, while network nodes are modules that are mutually shared by more than one clusters.
Results: We produced a standardized blueprint of 50 modules based on the 4 learning cores, covering 9 surgical specialties. This resulted in a curriculum map where every module is described using 3 parameters: χ axis (skills component), y axis (knowledge component), z axis (specialty component).
Conclusion: iG4 proof of concept sets the ground for a novel, reproducible and standardised effort to produce a portfolio of undergraduate surgical skills serving the vision of holistic surgical education.
Keywords: ESMSC course; Surgical education; course curriculum; iG4; surgical training.
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