Standardized nonopioid preoperative protocol effects perioperative opioids. Combined use of acetaminophen, pregabalin, celecoxib, and transdermal scopolamine (APCS), in mastectomy with immediate subpectoral reconstruction procedures. Retrospective (2014-2017) cohort study (n = 305) examined treatment groups; APCS, no treatment (NONE), and partial combination APCS (OTHER), employing multivariable gamma regression models controlling preoperative and perioperative variables, examining postoperative opioid use (oral morphine equivalents, OME) and hospital stay (hours, LOS). APCS group had a 25% statistical reduction in OME total vs OTHER, a 12% statistical reduction in LOS vs OTHER, and 11% statistical reduction in LOS vs NONE. Standardized nonopioid preoperative protocol provides insight into perioperative opioid use.
Keywords: mastectomy with reconstruction; opioid epidemic; perioperative pain management; preoperative multimodal analgesia; standardized protocol.
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