Heme b is an iron-containing cofactor in hemoproteins that participates in the fundamental processes of photosynthesis and respiration in phytoplankton. Heme b concentrations typically decline in waters with low iron concentrations but due to lack of field data, the distribution of heme b in particulate material in the ocean is poorly constrained. Here we report particulate heme b distributions across the Atlantic Ocean (59.9°N to 34.6°S). Heme b concentrations in surface waters ranged from 0.10 to 33.7 pmol L-1 (median = 1.47 pmol L-1, n = 974) and were highest in regions with a high biomass. The ratio of heme b to particulate organic carbon (POC) exhibited a mean value of 0.44 μmol heme b mol-1 POC. We identified the ratio of 0.10 µmol heme b mol-1 POC as the cut-off between heme b replete and heme b deficient (anemic) phytoplankton. By this definition, we observed anemic phytoplankton populations in the Subtropical South Atlantic and Irminger Basin. Comparison of observed and modelled heme b suggested that heme b could account for between 0.17-9.1% of biogenic iron. Our large scale observations of heme b relative to organic matter provide further evidence of the impact of changes in iron supply on phytoplankton iron status across the Atlantic Ocean.