An adult female spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) presented for medical evaluation due to a swelling located on the dorsal head. Ultrasound revealed that the swelling originated from a large pocket of fluid in the cranial vault. The swelling was aspirated, and purulent discharge was obtained; Enterococcus faecalis was cultured. An incision was made over the swelling in an attempt to drain fluid but was unsuccessful. Multiple aspirates were performed to drain the abscess, and the animal was treated with oxytetracycline injections. The initial incision sloughed and resulted in a large defect in the cranium that allowed exhibit water to come into the cranial vault and come in contact with the protective membrane of the brain. Forty-two days after initial presentation, the defect in the cranium was healed; fluid from the cranial vault was sampled and appeared normal. During and after treatment, the ray exhibited no abnormal neurologic signs.
Keywords: Abscess; brain; elasmobranch; medicine; spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari); ultrasound.