The recent advancements in the knowledge of lysosomal biology and function have translated into an improved understanding of the pathophysiology of mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs). The concept that MPS manifestations are direct consequences of lysosomal engorgement with undegraded glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) has been challenged by new information on the multiple biological roles of GAGs and by a new vision of the lysosome as a signaling hub involved in many critical cellular functions. MPS pathophysiology is now seen as the result of a complex cascade of secondary events that lead to dysfunction of several cellular processes and pathways, such as abnormal composition of membranes and its impact on vesicle fusion and trafficking; secondary storage of substrates; impairment of autophagy; impaired mitochondrial function and oxidative stress; dysregulation of signaling pathways. The characterization of this cascade of secondary cellular events is critical to better understand the pathophysiology of MPS clinical manifestations. In addition, some of these pathways may represent novel therapeutic targets and allow for the development of new therapies for these disorders.
Keywords: GAGs; LSDs; autophagy; lysosomal storage disorders; mucopolysaccharidoses.