A correlation between autophagy and autolysis has been proposed in order to acceleratethe acquisition of wine organoleptic properties during sparkling wine elaboration. In this context, aproteomic analysis was carried out in two industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (P29,conventional sparkling wine strain and G1, implicated in sherry wine elaboration) with the aim ofstudying the autophagy-related proteome and comparing the effect of CO2 overpressure duringsparkling wine elaboration. In general, a detrimental effect of pressure and second fermentationdevelopment on autophagy-related proteome was observed in both strains, although it was morepronounced in flor yeast strain G1. Proteins mainly involved in autophagy regulation andautophagosome formation in flor yeast G1, and those required for vesicle nucleation and expansionin P29 strain, highlighted in sealed bottle. Proteins Sec2 and Sec18 were detected 3-fold underpressure conditions in P29 and G1 strains, respectively. Moreover, 'fingerprinting' obtained frommultivariate data analysis established differences in autophagy-related proteome between strainsand conditions. Further research is needed to achieve more solid conclusions and design strategiesto promote autophagy for an accelerated autolysis, thus reducing cost and time production, as wellas acquisition of good organoleptic properties.
Keywords: CO2 overpressure; autophagy; protein; sparkling wine; yeast.