Prostanoids are a group of bioactive lipids that are synthesized de novo from membrane phospholipid-released arachidonic acid and have diverse functions in normal physiology and disease. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which are among the most commonly used medications, ameliorate pain, fever, and inflammation by inhibiting COX (cyclooxygenase), which is the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthetic cascade of prostanoids. The use of NSAIDs selective for COX-2 inhibition increases the risk of a thrombotic event (eg, myocardial infarction and stroke). All NSAIDs are associated with an increased risk of heart failure. Substantial variation in clinical responses to aspirin exists and is associated with cardiovascular risk. Limited clinical studies suggest the involvement of prostanoids in vascular restenosis in patients who received angioplasty intervention. mPGES (microsomal PG [prostaglandin] E synthase)-1, an alternative target downstream of COX, has the potential to be therapeutically targeted for inflammatory disease, with diminished thrombotic risk relative to selective COX-2 inhibitors. mPGES-1-derived PGE2 critically regulates microcirculation via its receptor EP (receptor for prostanoid E) 4. This review summarizes the actions and associated mechanisms for modulating the biosynthesis of prostanoids in thrombosis, vascular remodeling, and ischemic heart disease as well as their therapeutic relevance.
Keywords: cyclooxygenase; prostaglandin; reperfusion injury; thrombosis; vascular remodeling.