Disorder in quantum systems can lead to the disruption of long-range order in the ground state and to the localization of the elementary excitations. Here we exhibit an alternative paradigm, by which disorder preserves long-range order in the ground state, while it localizes the elementary excitations above it, introducing a stark dichotomy between static properties-mostly sensitive to the density of states of excitations-and nonequilibrium dynamical properties-sensitive to the spatial structure of excitations. We exemplify this paradigm with a positionally disordered 2d quantum Ising model with r^{-6} interactions, capturing the internal-state physics of Rydberg-atom arrays. Disorder is found to lead to multifractality and localization of the spin-wave excitations above a ferromagnetic ground state; as a result, the spreading of entanglement and correlations starting from a factorized state exhibits anomalous diffusion with a continuously varying dynamical exponent, interpolating between ballistic and arrested transport. Our findings are directly relevant for the low-energy dynamics in quantum simulators of quantum Ising models with power-law decaying interactions.