Mechanical interactions between flowing and coagulated blood (thrombus) are crucial in dictating the deformation and remodeling of a thrombus after its formation in hemostasis. We propose a fully-Eulerian, three-dimensional, phase-field model of thrombus that is calibrated with existing in vitro experimental data. This phase-field model considers spatial variations in permeability and material properties within a single unified mathematical framework derived from an energy perspective, thereby allowing us to study effects of thrombus microstructure and properties on its deformation and possible release of emboli under different hemodynamic conditions. Moreover, we combine this proposed thrombus model with a particle-based model which simulates the initiation of the thrombus. The volume fraction of a thrombus obtained from the particle simulation is mapped to an input variable in the proposed phase-field thrombus model. The present work is thus the first computational study to integrate the initiation of a thrombus through platelet aggregation with its subsequent viscoelastic responses to various shear flows. This framework can be informed by clinical data and potentially be used to predict the risk of diverse thromboembolic events under physiological and pathological conditions.